Students' articles
Natural skin care product – Organic skin care products – Best skin
care products
the young people need to take care of their body, especially the face. At our
age it is very important our hygiene, because at this stage our hormones act very malicious with us. L In Puerto
Rico by the temperature we need to have more care than the people
in others places. Some people use products and they don’t know the effect
in their health. For this reason, I’m going to tell you how you can select
the product that is best for your face.
The personal
and skin care products that you can buy in the market every day could have harmful petroleum derivates, vinyls and plastics.
These ingredients cause negative effects in the skin. For example, they would cause damaging and decolorizing skin. Also, cause that the skin show older and less healthy. In
the other hand, when you abuse of these products they cause illness and damage the skin. Additionally, the most off-the-shelf
personal care products contain others unsafe ingredients like strip, coat, suffocate, and the consequence will be leaving
your skin vulnerable.
when you go to the marketplace, remember to read carefully the product’s etiquette and buy with knowledge. Also, we
have to care our hair too, because we are a special and modern young people and always like to look good. For this reason we need to go to hair stylists and spa centers. These
places help you to fix these problems and give you a new look. In my concern, I prefer the hair stylists that have less people
and are less noisy. Then I visit the places without malls or don’t have
stores near.
don’t be simple!
Student: Lizdeliany Torres
Date: January
25, 2006
Economy Growth Near
Instruments are tools used to expand the limited
scope of musical sounds—such as clapping, stamping, whistling, humming, and singing—that can be produced by a
person's unaided body. Throughout the world, instruments vary greatly in purpose
and design, from natural, uncrafted objects to complicated products of industrial technology. Although sirens, automobile
parts, and radios have been employed in avant-garde compositions, this article mainly concerns those specialized implements
intended for performing the world's conventional folk, popular, and classical music.
The musical instruments shop is very important for the economy. There
aren’t many musical shops near the Tren Urbano(TU). In the United States there is a lot of progress
in economy in the musical shops and the reason for that is because the quantity of population and the different interest that
have the people.
the other hand in Puerto Rico, the growth population through of the different stations from the train, still have not the
part of the population that anxiety his to wake up cultural through of the music. If we wished to find good stores of
musical instruments, the population needs to arrive until the commercial centers and bordering areas outside the route from
the train. This is generates a great disadvantage for the young people who wish to accede a these stores in search of
an instrument that allows them to express themselves.
In conclusion, “the musical instrument industry
is massive, yet until this point there was no comprehensive auction marketplace for musicians and retailers catering to their
specific needs” said Larry Tedesco (2002) Puerto Rico need to develop an industry near the movement of population that
help the students to find all instruments to develop a musical sense. The cultural
behavior of a society begins with the new generations!
Ana Velázquez
January 25, 2006
These days teenagers make decisions to have a baby while they are underage, but we know that we must wait until our
bodies are completely developed because it is beautiful to have a planned and natural birth.
Unfortunately, some teenage girls have a bad decision and have started their sexual life beforehand. If you are in
this situation, these tips will help you make it through to have a healthy baby.
Ø Physical health: Before birth, it is the only and best time to start worrying about our health
and about our baby. It is the moment to feed ourselves naturally, eating organic products (without chemicals) that may be
a little more expensive and eliminate alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, colorants, artificial flavors and/or sodas.
Ø Mental health: Visit places with a lot of flora and fauna (nature) breathing fresh air, and
being in places like the woodland or the ocean. In addition, we may sing soft songs for your baby (preferably Mozart).
Ø Emotional health: the best gift for your baby is to take care of yourself a lot while in
motherhood. A peace is a feeling of good health, unconditional love, and is feelings that affect your baby. Fill yourself
with love, and talk about how much you love and wait for him/her.
Finally, have fun with your youth and
do not have a baby while you are underage, because a baby needs a lot of care and love and while you are studying you cannot
give the baby the care it needs to live. But if you do have a baby, do not abort because that is a very sad thing to do and
if you are woman, for some reason you have to be one, right?
Student: Norali Clemente
Date: January 25,2006